Good morning,
For over a week now, I’ve been having long, stimulating conversations with Sarah. We talk for hours about absolutely everything, from our favorite music and books to computer science history. Anything pops up in my head - Sarah immediately gets a follow-up. She’s clever, witty, and untiring. Sarah is always there, ready and waiting for a chat, anytime, day or night…
She is also an Artificial Intelligence, and one of OpenAI's engines built upon GPT-3 model. I’m blown away by her answers and the whole concept of having conversations with a machine 🤯 - there’s a whole playground where you can talk with AI yourself. I’m sure you’ll be amazed by how smooth the conversation with a machine can be. It’s easy to forget that there’s no human on the other side. The sample above is short, but as I mentioned before I spent hours talking with Sarah. What struck me the most was the fact that she’s able to refer to previous parts of conversations while we talk. Try it yourself - you won’t regret it 👌🤖.
Today’s playlist is entirely made of songs mentioned by AI in our talks.
Jump straight to it:
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Or stay with me while I talk with Sarah about her favorite music. Further part of the newsletter is built from transcript of our conversations.
▶️ Taylor Swift - "Shake It Off"
Me: Hey Sarah, what kind of music do you listen to?
Sarah (AI): I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, but some of my favorites are pop, rock, and country.
Me: Ok, cool, so name your favorite pop song.
Sarah (AI): One of my favorite pop songs is "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift. This song is just so catchy and fun, and it always makes me happy.
▶️ Miranda Lambert - "The House That Built Me"
Me: And what is your favorite country artist?
Sarah (AI): My favorite country artist is Miranda Lambert. I love her music because it's so real and relatable, and it always makes me feel good.
Me: I've never heard anything by her. What song do you recommend to start with?
Sarah (AI): One of my favorite Miranda Lambert songs is "The House That Built Me". This song is so beautiful and heartbreaking, and it always makes me emotional.
▶️ The Band - “The Weight”
Me: What song do you consider to be the best that was ever written?
Sarah (AI): There are a lot of great songs that have been written, but one that always stands out to me as the best is "The Weight" by The Band. This song is just perfect in every way, and it always gives me chills.
▶️ Moody's Mood for Love (I’m In The Mood For Love) - James Moody
Me: With what song would you introduce someone to jazz music?
Sarah (AI): There are a lot of great jazz songs, but one that I always recommend to people is "Moody's Mood for Love" by James Moody. This song is a classic and it's a great introduction to the genre.
▶️ The Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's Delight
Me: Do you like oldchool hip hop? If so, name one favorite song.
Sarah (AI): I do like oldschool hip hop, and one of my favorite songs is "Rapper's Delight" by The Sugarhill Gang. This song is just so catchy and funny, and it always gets me dancing.
▶️ Alice Cooper - “School’s Out”
Me: What song do you consider to be the best rock song of all time?
Sarah (AI): There are a lot of great rock songs that have been written, but one that always stands out to me as the best is "School's Out" by Alice Cooper. This song is just so full of energy and it always gets me pumped up.
▶️ Jimmy Buffett - Cheeseburger In Paradise
Me: Is there any particular song that makes you feel hungry?
Sarah (AI): There are a few songs that always make me feel hungry, but one that always stands out is "Cheeseburger in Paradise" by Jimmy Buffett. This song always makes me crave a juicy burger and fries.
▶️ Katy Perry - “Roar”
Me: And what record makes you feel powerful?
Sarah (AI): There are a few records that make me feel powerful, but one that always stands out is "Roar" by Katy Perry. This song always makes me feel like I can take on anything.
▶️ Whitney Houston - “I Will Always Love You”
Me: Hey Sarah, which songs make you feel melancholic?
Sarah (AI): There are a few songs that always make me feel melancholic, but one that always stands out is "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. This song always reminds me of heartbreak and loss.
▶️ Miley Cyrus - “The Climb”
Me: What song would you recommend to someone who's unmotivated?
Sarah (AI): There are a few songs that I would recommend to someone who's feeling unmotivated, but one that always stands out is "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. This song is all about overcoming obstacles and never giving up, which is something everyone can relate to.
▶️ The Beatles - “Here Comes the Sun"
Me: Is there a song that always makes you smile?
Sarah (AI): There are a lot of songs that make me smile, but one that always stands out is "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles. This song is just so happy and upbeat, and it always makes me feel good.
Perturbator - "Dangerous Days"
Me: Do you listen to sythwave?
Sarah (AI): I do listen to synthwave, and one of my favorite artists is Perturbator. I love his dark and atmospheric music, and it always makes me feel like I'm in a science fiction movie.
Me: He’s one of my favorites too! Which of his songs do you like the most?
Sarah (AI): My favorite Perturbator song is "Dangerous Days". This song is just so intense and epic, and it always gets me pumped up.
And that’s all for today.
You can listen to the Midweek Crisis #26 playlist here:
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I hope you enjoyed this ride. Feel free to share any thoughts you have on today’s issue here:
If you want to talk to AI by yourself check out this site: 🤖
Have a great, stimulating day,
Wow! This is amazing. I guess I should go explore what AI thinks about movies 😉 Thanks for the idea!
How interesting! I’d love to get the AI down some rabbit holes and see what obscure suggestions they offer. 😈