Brava Stygi! I’m so glad you had a good time (sorry I’m late to reading this) but what a fantastic description of your time in Rome!

I’m very looking forward to listening to your playlist while in Sicily for the next couple of weeks.

So sorry to hear you got COVID - I hope you’ve recovered by now??

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Hey Tom, thanks for your comment. Happy to hear :) How awesome with Sicily! I will definitely hit you up with some questions before going there with Tom. We’re slowly planning a trip to Sicily for next spring. Have an awesome stay there!

Yup, I’m fully recovered and feel almost like it never happened. I really appreciate that you asked 🫶

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Wow, so lovely to have you back Stygi, and I’m glad you had such an amazing time!! A couple weeks ago, when I hadn’t seen you post for a while, I was a little worried and then I remembered you were in Rome and going offline for your time there.

Sounds like so much to see and do and eat! My wife and I are walking the Via Francigena from Switzerland to Rome starting in mid-September and I’ll definitely keep this post handy for the few days we’ll spend in the city post-hiking.

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This trip was for sure one of the best I've ever had, but I'm glad to return here after quite long (and partly unplanned 🦠) pause from writing. How fun! Have an amazing time on your journey! If anything comes up down the road, feel free to fire away with your questions :)

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I featured this issue in my newsletter Four Things Para Tu. It's amazing. There were so many key points to get out of it and the pictures are gorgeous.

Question for Stygi: How many languages do you speak? I've noticed both Polish and English on this page.


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Thanks again for the shoutout and your kind words, Arianna 🫶

I also know some basics of Italian, Spanish and German, but mainly because before each trip I always jump on Duolingo to be able to communicate at least a tiny bit with the locals

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I know a bit of German, some Portuguese, some Korean letters, A tiny bit of Chinese and most of the basic Japanese letters. I can speak level 2 Spanish. I'm going for my Seal of Biliteracy.

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wow, that's awesome 👏

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Kochana Stygi, opisujesz Rzym cudownie! Masz wielki talent❣️ Masz wiele talentów :) Czytając Twoje wspomnienia z podróży przenoszę się do opisywanych miejsc. To jest świetne! Mogłabyś z powodzeniem prowadzić blog podróżniczy. Twoje opisy rzymskich kulinariów są rewelacyjne! Dziękuję 💞

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Jak miłooo, dziękuję! Biorę te wszystkie słowa i robie sobie z nich kojący okład na serduszko. Mega się cieszę, że ten tekst z Tobą zarezonował. Całuski dwie kluski 😘🍝🍝

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Bellissimo... e tempismo perfetto! (perfect timing)...

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Sono felice di questo! 😊

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