Wow, that video by The Heavy is awesome. I love the animations, as well as the song.

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Very interesting compilation. My favourite money song is „Money” by Pink Floyd. So I wish Tom a lot of interesting challenges in his new job🇺🇦

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An interesting playlist (though I have to admit to a severe blind spot for 'Money for Nothing'), but you've missed my favourite ever money song, 'Free Money' by Patti Smith. Just glorious.

(PS Patti is one of the 'musical mavericks' featured in my music appreciation themed novel at https;//challenge69.substack.com You, and your readers should give it a try (it's free!), I'm convinced you'll love it.)

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Whoa, somehow I haven't heard of this song. Thanks for letting me know. I love Patti Smith and her substack ❤️ I'll gladly check out your space

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Stygi

Oczywiscie chodzilo mi o piosenke Lizy Mooney🌺💖

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Haha tak wlasnie myslalam :D autokorekta poprawila?

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Tak tak starosc nie radosc ale to piosenka z tego samego filmu i wszystkie utworytam bardzo mi sie podobaly🎸🤪

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Stygi

Czesc super pomysl ciekawe energetyczne piosenki no i fajne teledyski Bardzo podobal mi sie Roar Katy Perry A ja dodalabym piosenke /chyba najslynniejsza o pieniadzach z filmu Kabaret z 1972 z Liza Minelli i niesmiertelnym utworze Cabaret calusy👍❤️

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Nice selections here...

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My favorite on here is “Destination Unknown.” Sounds as good as ever.

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For a second I thought this was going to be a farewell to this newsletter! 😆 Glad I was wrong... great selection!

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Damn! Somehow it didn’t cross my mind it could be seen that way. Hasn’t supposed to be a clickbait title 😂

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I’ve seen so many “goodbye” posts on Medium and Substack from peolle actually leaving lately that it was the first thing that came to mind.

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same - phew!

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Same here! Very happy to be wrong.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Stygi

Dzięki Stygi:) Dire Straits! Od zawsze i na zawsze👍

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