Thank you so much for sharing this important piece!

The self-care page is wonderful; I really like the idea of having everything on one page instead of multiple like I typically keep track in my bullet journal. (Also, bullet journals are a great way to track as well if anyone is looking for more suggestions!)

Wishing you the finest vibes!

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Thanks a lot for stopping by and leaving this comment 🙏

Glad you wrote about bullet journaling. I like it very much myself, and also writing my thoughts, ideas, doodles and scribbles in different notebooks - my favorites are from baronfig.com Recently, I've started ZELO paper trainer mainly for study/work-related stuff. And where did you get your bullet journal? Any recommendations?

Sending virtual hugs 🫂

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Yep, I’m a huge fan of bullet journaling; I’ve found that it really helps me track my goals for the month or week. (It’s also nice to have a section describing the little things that happened that month so I don’t forget! I like looking back at what I’ve accomplished or gotten past each month.)

Ooh, BaronFig looks very nice! I really enjoy Notebook Therapy’s journals and other stationery supplies; they’re really high-quality and adorable! I've gotten two journals from them that I love 💖

(Also, thank you so much for stopping by to subscribe and recommend me; I truly appreciate it!)

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 😊😊

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Thank you for this, Stygi! Such an important topic, beautifully expressed. 💖

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Recommendable👍I know it from my autopsy. Stygi you are great. 💪🇺🇦

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Stygi przesyłam moc MOC-y! Dziękuję za podzielenie się z nami swoimi przemyśleniami i za ważną konkluzję:

"Rozmowa o problemach, wizyta u terapeuty czy przyjmowanie leków to nie porażka – to ratunek i odważny akt samoopieki."

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Dzięki za ten komentarz 🫂 I też MOCne przytulki ślę ✨

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Thank you for sharing all of this with us here, Stygi — reading the lessons you've learned is a helpful reminder to be patient in the process of self care. Healing is definitely a long, and non-linear, process.

And, as always, thank you for including some of my music on this soothing playlist.

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It for sure is. And accepting the fact it's an ongoing process throughout life, as you handle and overcome new hurts and obstacles, isn't easy.

Every time I'm happy to do this. Your music is a calming jewel and needs to be shared ✨

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‘a calming jewel’ ❤️

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Thank you for writing this important piece, Stygi and also thank you for the checklist - wonderful! 🙏

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Thanks for leaving this comment, Jolene 🫂 Happy you like it!

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Also, for the playlist! ❤️

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Kochana Stygi to bardzo odwazne przyznawac sie w naszym kraju do swoich”slabosci” ze zdrowiem psychicznym to godne szacunku.Na pewno taka postawa pomaga wielu zmagajacym sie z depresja i wieloma roznymi problemamiJesyes przykladem ze mozna sobie poradzic i prowadzic szczesliwe udane zycie choc wymaga to wiele trudu ipracy nad soba.Ale kto powiedzial ze ma byc latwo moze wtedy jeszcze bardziejj doceniamy smak zycia buziaki 💖👍🌺

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Dzięki za te słowa 🫂

Co do ostatniego zdania - może tak właśnie jest 🤔 Kiedyś ktoś mi zacytował Goethego i głęboko zarezonował ze mną i utkwił mi w głowie ten jego cytat - "głęboki upadek prowadzi często do wielkiego szczęścia"...

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Oct 12, 2022
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Thanks for letting me know 🙏

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