Stygi , jak zawsze jak zawsze wysyłasz mnóstwo świetnej muzyki! Dziękuję i czekam na kolejne przemyślenia i propozycje :)

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Some beautiful songs here Stygi! All of them are new to me. I went with the Cara Rose track as my favorite but it was very close with the Fred Again/Anderson .Paak collab. A fascinating video about Fred Again, an artist I’d never heard of. What a path he’s already traveled for someone still so young.

I heard a good expression once, that I didn’t understand at first, about dealing with grief or trauma: “Time takes time.” People say that pain lessens, or the shape of grief changes, or that wounds heal “in time”. And I’ve found that to be true. But I’ve found myself impatient in the past, thinking I should “be over” something “by now”.

But with some of the deepest griefs and traumas of my life happening over the last six years I’ve come to learn that there really is no timeline. And that time takes time. As much as is needed. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be at this very moment in time, whether I’m happy about it, or comfortable, or not.

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Thanks for kind words, Stygi. And as always, for songs recommendations.

"Read of the Week", and similar shout-outs are great for sharing interesting articles.

All the best on your journey, I hope that you will find the lightness you are looking for!

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thanks for your comment, Michał ♡ I really appreciate it

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Thank you so much, Stygi — I'm so sorry that you've experienced a similar shift in your sense of self, but I know that if you give it time, you will feel things click into place again. And for what it's worth, I do feel lightness again! It's not the same, but it's there nonetheless. Sending you my best!

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Thank you for the kind words, Matt. Your support means a lot. It’s reassuring to hear that things can click into place again with time. That really gives hope ♥︎

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