Dec 28, 2023Liked by Stygi

Kochana Stygi jestem pod wrazeniem twojej pracy tworczej pelnej pasji interesujacej nawet dla takich dyletantow muzycznych jak jaZastanawialam sie nad rytualami na koniec roku i chyba nie mam ichKiedys robilam bilans zyskow i strat i czesto bylam niezadowolona Teraz patrze do przodu i staram sie nie rozpamietywac bo zamiast naprawiac bledy ciagle popelniam nowe Jesli chodzi o mnie to tzw historia niczego mnie nie nauczylam Oczywiscie przesadzam i uwazam ze twoje metody sa godne polecenia skoro je wyprobowas z dobtym skutkiem Ja takze staram sie czytac przed snem bo mnie to wycisza i ulatwia zasypianie a mam z tym klopot U mnie to tez prezent mikolajowy -NIKSY/Nathana Hilla.Poczatkowo szlo jak po grudzie a teraz sie rozpedzilam i z ogomna ciekawoscia czekam co dalej.Zycze Tobie i twoim sluchaczom zeby spelnily sie marzenia bo przeciez sami najlepiej wiemy czego pragniemy tak naprawde Motto na przyszly rok. -Dialog moze byc mostem nad przepascia/wycinki z termosu buziaki i nich Moc bedzie z Toba❤️❤️👍

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You gave us all a great gift for the New Year. Congratulations and I wish you equally successful broadcasts in the future 🥂

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Thanks for the playlists! Always looking for mellow/ambient music to help me sleep as i have pretty severe insomnia. Can’t listen to music when I write, but the hustle and bustle of daily life sounds are perfect for me to write. Go figure! Will check out Year Compass. Happy New Years!

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Thanks for the tips and a Happy New Year in advance Stygi. I have downloaded the Year Compass and am looking forward to a look at that. Goodreads has long been a faithful companion. Feel free to link with me. I started off using it as an easier way of keeping track of my library of physical books, in the hope that they ever went up in flames, together with a video I could include a list of every book I own. I've started doing the same with Vinyl. I also like reading reviews from people I know, rather than from people who could be friends of the author :)

I'm also big on music for a purpose. I crammed for exams with music, I study new materials that I need to know about, especially for short term knowledge jobs, listening usually to Baroch music which has been proven to set your brain to a frequency suitable for learning. Ambient noise is the one I use in a busy office, not so much as to shut out the noise as to suggest to my colleagues that unless its important, this moment isn't the best for a casual water cooler chat :)

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