The weather up here is really bleak as well. Coffee usually helps, but not always. Music definitely makes everything more bearable.

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yup, totally get that. Caffeine just makes you do things faster, right? Music is a better tool to fight this overwhelming greyness. Tell me Kevin, what's your go-to song currently, when you need a boost? Mine is "Happy" by Future Chess Club https://open.spotify.com/track/7arEqLvEPdAQ3yjEGgMBZt?si=6ce6ffdebd804ff7

What comforts me the most right now is the fact we're past Jan already and much closer to spring 🌱

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Listening to this EP right now. Thanks for the recommendation! My go-to song over the last couple of days has been "Fins" by Jimmy Buffet. It's silly, I know, but I can't help but think of sun/sea/sand when it's playing.

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Don't be! I'm sooooo glad you shared it, really. It's awesome! And totally matches my playlist for holidays on Mauritius, that I'm currently planning 🦈

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Wow! That sounds amazing. 😍

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I fell this 100000000%. Thanks so much, Stygi!

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Stygi

A i super ten rysunek oddaje moje samopoczucie na100%🌺💖

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Stygi

Czesc kochana Stygi mozesz mnie powitac w twoim klubie.Czuje sie jak kupka jesiennych lisci.Ale wystarczy promyk slonca i juz zrobi sie lepiej.Twoja lista tez bardzo pomaga.Ja jeszcze siegne po serial Obserwowani i jakies ciacho i nie bedzie juz tak zle caluje i zycze dobrej energii do przebrniecia tej szarzyzny bo masz racje wszystko sie kiedys konczy/ups 💖❤️👍

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nie ma lekko.. to co mnie najbardziej napędza w ostatnich dniach to myśl, że coraz bardziej zbliżamy się do wiosny. Ściskam mocno, ogrzewająco i wspierająco 🫂💞

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January is, in general, just the worst month of the year (and that's coming from someone who's birthday is in Jan!) and I think London is much like Poland weather-wise. I'd say you might have it colder, but it's really cold here this week!

Thanks for the playlist Stygi! Hope you're staying warm, relaxed and happy - here's to the spring!

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It sure is! I'm also from Jan - 29th to be exact. Haha, that's right! We can join in weather-related pain... Hope the playlist has lift your mood up a bit. I'm doing better - we're getting closer to spring!

P.S. Sending hugs and late bday wishes your way!🫶

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Ah, another Aquarius - that explains it! 😂 Happy belated birthday to you too in that case 🥳

You saying "we're getting closer to spring!" made me think of the song 'Sunset Coming On' - a depressingly uplifting song (yes apparently there is such a thing) that came from a Damon Albarn project where he worked with Malian Musicians. It might be up your street!

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Oh wow Salty, that's an awesome idea for an issue! 💡 a mix of best depressingly-uplifting songs. Never heard about them or this song - I'll totally check it out now, thanks!

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and thanks for the wishes, mate! ♒️🍻♒️

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